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Letting Go Is Essential to Progress

Do you think that you need more to succeed? More skills, more time or more money? I can admit that I for many years felt I needed more coach training, to keep up with what was going on out there. Then an idea flew into my head five years ago – to change my lifestyle from living and working in Stockholm, to living and sailing around the world. Now, I have done that. My husband and I are back in Europe, on the small island of Porto Santo, north of Madeira.

Letting Go Is the Key

Looking back on those five years, I realize how important it is to let go. Before we sailed away, we sold our apartment and former boat. I thought it was a big deal to leave all material things, but that was just the beginning. Over the years I have let go of stress, habits and behaviours that no longer serve me, excess weight and even more things.

I started writing, first, about my twenty years of coaching experienced leaders and CEOs. After the publication of Leading from Joy – How to Transform 9 Inner Challenges, I released the last dear books on coaching I had brought with me. Now I felt that I had everything I needed in me, that I was the important source for how I would live the rest of my life. I continue to write, more reflective books about life wisdom and development. A book about my learnings from these five years is coming, I call it Oceanic Freedom – Wave by Wave.

Look at nature – trees, flowers, clouds, waves – they let go all the time.

The Oceans Teach Me a Lot

Our long passages across the oceans have taught me the importance of being with, what can at first be experienced as emptiness. I am surrounded by the sky and the sea, and now and then a bird or a flying fish. A huge space with endless horizons for many days. What do you do all day, people ask. I am with what is, with nature, with existence. I am with myself, taking care of my body – eating and sleeping, apart from doing my shifts. Listening, just being. Often I get creative – my ideas for books have proven to come on our roughest sailings.

Our motto for our sailing and accommodation is to take one wave at a time: wave by wave. It helps me to be present here and now. On the oceans, it is extremely important, because a big wave can suddenly change the whole situation on board. I have accepted change as the natural state, something to say yes to.

To create something new, we need space.

When we let go, we gain access to something greater, namely our soul, our spirit.

Questions for You to Reflect on

  • What do you need to develop?
  • What can you let go of right now?
  • Where in life do you have space for the new?

Curious About Coaching?

Let’s chat. E-mail me and we find a time.
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