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There is always the next step. 
A leader knows that consistent training is what it takes to stay on top. 
Everyone needs a coach“ Bill Gates & Eric Schmidt on TED-talk. 

Develop as a Leader – in Life and at Work

A leader needs to be a role model and have a high energy level for others to want to follow. As a coach, I help you see what you don’t see yet, and find the next step to develop as a leader – in life and at work. You get the chance to train in a safe environment. I believe we all can raise our energy level. The lowest energy level for a leader is to show their courage, for example, by standing up for something that may be controversial. A leader is also fully responsible for his actions and stands by his word. Therapy is more appropriate when you have not yet freed yourself from your past and blame others.

Coaching is a method that suits those who want to develop themselves, who are curious and willing to test new ways of being and acting in life. Different types of actions between the coaching sessions are part of the process.

In my book Leading from Joy, I give you practices for raising your energy. 

Leadership Challenges

The pressure is great on company leaders and managers to perform and produce results – to keep up with the rapid development and meet the demands of the quarter. Many feel stressed and worried, they don’t know how to meet all the expectations and may not have the necessary skills. Private life takes a back seat, and conflicts build up. Instead of stopping and reflecting on alternative ways of leading, many choose to work on even more.

The Biggest Challenge

When we are stressed and do not spend any time on our development, we lose our power. We lose the ability to listen for what is true, important and authentic to ourselves. We miss hearing our inner voice. And in the next step, we miss hearing it from those we meet. We mismatch ourselves and each other – we don’t connect.

Bridging the Gap

The field we work in is what I call the gap – between where you are now and where you want to be. For example:

  • Be accepted as a new CEO, on the first CEO assignment or the next
  • Create or regain good relationships and connections with the board, management team and direct reports
  • Pacing and leading a change process
  • Regain health and balance
  • Eager to find out how to develop with coaching
  • Prepare for the end of working life and the beginning of something new

What do you experience as challenging right now? 


Now is the only time there is. Trust your gut feeling and say yes to what you are looking for/longing for. If the above speaks to you, email me, and we’ll set up a time for a conversation to see if we can find a fruitful connection for partnership.

Swedish is my mother tongue. I also speak English.


If you feel that you want to continue with me as a coach, I will formulate a written agreement with time, price and overall objective. We book an initial appointment and before the coaching starts, you will receive several questions where you can reflect on what you want to get out of the coaching for it to feel valuable.


Coaching should always be worth the investment. Here you can read some examples of it. 
17 Reasons Why Personal Development Is Worth Both the Time and the Money
12 Reasons to Take on Transformation
In Swedish: Ordning ökar lönsamheten.


Everything said in between us stays with me forever.
As a Master Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation, the largest and oldest association for professional coaches in the world, I am working under their ethical guidelines – read more about them here.

Yes, I am ready!

Welcome to book a free coaching trial.

I have some questions

I am happy to answer, please e-mail me.