The last inner challenge I take up in Leading from Joy is to let go of everything we feel dependent on and then jump into the unknown – to a completely new lifestyle, for example. The beginnings and endings are part of the natural process of life. Can you recognize yourself in keeping things open, because the thought of the end and the unknown might be too difficult?
On the material level, this is about “killing your darlings”. When my husband and I sold our condo and bought an ocean-going boat, we got rid of most of it. However, I had been collecting swan feathers for many years with the idea of making wings out of them. They were my “darlings” who would come along. I knew that it was not allowed to bring them into New Zealand, so I decided to make the wings and release them into the sea if/when we got permission to come to NZ. The picture of me is just after I did it.

How is it for you?
Do you have something you can’t imagine living without?
If you jumped – what is it you let go of – if you guess?
Thanks for following me this far!
Have a good time!
Leading from Joy – How to Transform 9 Inner Challenges is available for purchase on Adlibris, Amazon, Apple Books, Google Play and Kobo.
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