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Welcome to Avalona

Anna Eriksson

Hello and welcome to Avalona – a coaching company that caters to owners, CEOs and senior managers who want to develop as leaders and live a life that gives meaning and joy.

My name is Anna Eriksson and I have been coaching for over twenty years. My driving force is constant development. I live as I learn, am curious and always have new investigations going on. Five years ago, my husband and I sold our apartment and boat in Stockholm, and bought a new ocean-going sail boat with which we have sailed around the world.

I have learned to affirm change and that what we want and commit to is possible. By slowing down and listening within, I connect with my intuition – which I learnt to take action on. I have a deep faith that we have within us everything we need to create amazing lives.

Coaching for Experienced Leaders

Nowadays, I coach part-time remotely – on board from our boat Vista, which is located in Southern Europe. I also write and publish books, including Leading from Joy – How to Transform 9 Inner Challenges.

The coaching includes email contact between the coaching sessions for in-depth reflection. The length and content of the collaboration is individually adapted – everything from a couple of times for a specific challenge to annual assignments where we meet once or twice a month.

You are welcome to get in touch, and we will set up a meeting and check if we both think that a collaboration can give you what you desire.

Click here to book a 30-minute session to find out if coaching is for you.